Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Play Date for Reagan

Our friends Courtney and Paul had us over for a BBQ last weekend and it turned out to be a fun play date for Reagan as they have a little girl who was born 2 weeks after Reagan. Some other friends, Jenni and Phil were there with their baby boy who was born a week after Reagan, and there was also a 3 week old baby. So we layed them all on the bed side by side and watched them interact. It may have been more fun for the adults than the babies :)


Sarah said...

Jessica...I was doing some research on the internet and I came across this blog page! I'm so happy for you and your new family! Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL, and what a pretty name. Hope all continues well for you three!

Sarah Curley

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! They are cute all together.

Crazy Love said...

So cute..I wish I could meet Reagan..the girls would just love her! Miss you and hope all is well...

Brandon and Carolyn Schroder said...

I remember when Lilly, Ashley and Kaitlyn did this at Erica's... oh how times have changed... so fun!