Saturday, July 12, 2008

Reagan's 4 month Check Up

Reagan is now 4 months old and yesterday we went to the doctor's for her four month well baby visit.  We found out that she is doing very well and growing according to schedule.  She weighed 13 pounds 7 ounces and was 24 and 3/4 inches long.  This puts her at the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height.  It looks like she got her dad's genes in the height department, which is a good thing :)  The doctor also informed us that her head shape is much better and there will be no need for a corrective helmet!  I was so relieved to hear that.  They also gave her four vaccines (3 in the form of shots), so she cried for a few minutes, but was very brave and looked very cute with 3 little Tasmanian devil band aids on her chunky thighs!
   Unfortunately, she does have a head cold at the moments.  She has been coughing and sneezing and had a runny nose for the last few days now.  She and I are scheduled to fly to NY tomorrow to visit my mom, Aunt Jeanne, and Uncle John and then Steve and I have a wedding there next weekend.  I am very nervous to fly with her when she is congested.  Especially because it is just the two of us.  I am just praying that she will nurse well during take off and landing so her ears don't bother her.  The doctor said she is okay to fly, so I hope he is right.  
    I can't believe Reagan is already 4 months old.  Looking back, the time has flown by (thinking in terms of some of the long nights, it may seem longer).  But I wouldn't change one moment of her life so far!  She is truly a blessing!  Everyday she is a little more alert and affectionate.  I am excited for my family in NY to be able to spend some time with her.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad there will be no helmet!
She is getting cuter with every picture I see, honestly! Give her a kiss from me.

Brandon and Carolyn Schroder said...

She is beautiful! I love the headbands!