Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reagan's First Halloween

Reagan was a fairy for her first Halloween. She wore her costume to Romp n Roll and also to her play group, but she was in bed before the trick or treaters started coming. All the babies lined up on the couch are in her play group. They all looked so cute, and we moms were so happy that they sat comfortably for a few seconds so that we could get these shots. My dad and Margy are in town visiting and they came with us to the pumpkin patch and to Reagan's swim lesson. Reagan decided to show off at her lesson and went completely under the water several times (and was happy when she came up)! She also had a great time at the pumpkin patch as Grandpa showed her her first horse, roster, and pony and Daddy gave her her first ride on his shoulders. So, although she didn't have any candy this year, I would say Reagan had a very happy Halloween!