Sunday, January 4, 2009

She's Walking!

Reagan started out the new year on two feet! January 1st she took 8 steps and several sets of five steps. With each day, she takes even more, and she seems to just love it. She will giggle and laugh as she waddles around and usually ends up on her rear. She has also just started to clap her hands, which is so cute. As you can see, she has recently discovered Abby's doggy door and she loves to pull up on it and push it open. It seems like every day she discovers something new and learns a new skill!


Tony & Nick said...

Aw, Jess...what a big girl! You must be so proud. She looks like she is having the time of her life. :)

Tina said...

How old is Reagan? It's great she's walking...and everyone looks excited she is so mobile. Congrats on entering the next stage of babyhood.

Stacy said...

Yey, Congratulations!

Crazy Love said...

Oh my word...cannot believe she is already walking...that is awesome!! She is super cute!!