Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We Love Grandparents!

Even though we were only home for a few days it was so nice for Reagan to be able to spend some time with all of her grandparents. We stayed with my mom, and she has made my old bedroom into a cute little nursery! Reagan slept in the crib that both Karly and I used as babies and she was very spoiled by Grandma Barb. We visited with Grandma Denise and Aunt Cate, and Reagan got to try out the same walker that Steve had used as a baby! Also, for the second time in Reagan's short life she peed on Aunt Cate as she was putting her in the bath tub :) It is a good thing Cate is such a good sport. Reagan got to spend some time with Grandpa Cap out at the Ranch. And now that we are back home, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Margy are here visiting for a week, and Reagan is just loving all the attention!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I just love this photo of Grandpa Cap and Reagan! She just looks so adorable ;)